Alex Bugosh


Director of Architecture at Jellyvision December 2020 - Present

  • Led architecture and technical strategy at Jellyvision
  • Managed a small team of Staff+ engineers and led the Staff+ engineer council
  • Consulted with teams to solve system design problems
  • Implemented architecture processes including RFCs and SBARs at organizational level
  • Developed and presented the technical strategy company wide
  • Worked directly with Product Leadership to design solutions for new products
  • Led development effort to build new platform capability
  • Architected the integration of an acquired company’s technology ecosystem
  • Built POC capabilities to prove usecases for LLM and GenAI technologies in Python

Principal Software Engineer at Jellyvision September 2016 - December 2020

  • Principal Engineer June 2018 - December 2020
    • Acted as the Technical Security expert across the engineering organization
    • Advised senior leadership on technology strategy
    • Led a team focused on internal performance and operational improvements
    • Designed the architecture for integrating with new partners
    • Developed and implemented a new interview framework for engineering hiring
    • Consulted with the frontend tooling team to improve its architecture, processes, and practices
    • Developed several proof of concepts
  • Security Architect March 2017 - June 2018
    • Acted as the Technical Security expert across the engineering organization
    • Developed security policy while working with stakeholders throughout the organization
    • Managed access to AWS via policy and roles developed in IAM
    • Worked with our engineering teams on deploying AWS Cognito
    • Identified vulnerabilities in our AWS infrastructure and worked with the Operations team to develop remediations
    • Performed secure code reviews and worked with engineering teams to deploy fixes
  • Tech Lead Platform September 2016 - March 2017
    • Refactored core parts of the platform and added extensive testing to a Ruby on Rails application
    • Developed an integration test suite to cover core application load path
    • Coordinated across the engineering organization to develop and deploy changes to url handling
    • Mentored junior members of the team on developing new micro services

Senior Software Engineer at Avant January 2016 - July 2016

  • Upgraded a large monolithic Rails application from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.2
  • Developed framework for doing performance tuning in Rails applications using profilers and ActiveSupport::Notifications
  • Designed and prototyped a service to service authentication solution using Hashicorp Vault and PKI
  • Managed bug bounty program
  • Analyzed database for sensitive data and worked with teams to remove or encrypt the sensitive data
  • Developed Elixir proof of concept finance calculator and gave several internal presentations on Elixir

Senior Software Engineer at Effective Software Solutions, Inc. March 2015 - December 2016

  • Implemented compression improvements improving bandwidth usage by 30% using C++
  • Improved build and rebuild times of prodject by several hours by updating build system
  • Developed test framework for remote sensor platform using C++

Senior Software Engineer at PROTEUS Technologies August 2014 - March 2015

  • Developed prototype user survey tool using Ruby on Rails
  • Co-authored winning IMC proposal
  • Modified Android Bootloader to include security enhancements

Senior Cyber Engineer at Raytheon August 2013 - June 2014

  • Performed vulnerability analysis of various applications using a combination of custom fuzzing frameworks and IDA Pro
  • Developed extensions to custom analysis platform using C and used data to enhance IDA databases using IDAPython
  • Developed document database with a Backbone.js and Bootstrap front-end, Django middleware, and programmaticly utilized a combination of Git and MySQL for storage

Software Engineer at PROTEUS Technologies July 2010 - August 2013

  • Project C Software Engineer January 2013-August 2013
    • Developed QRC prototype capabilities using JRuby, Ruby on Rails, jQuery, Backbone.js, Redis, Bootstrap, and Oracle
    • Developed administration tools for maintaining systems distributed across enterprise and off-site non-enterprise locations using Ruby, Python, and Bash
    • Enhanced and expanded an existing Java Spring web application
  • Project B Software Engineer February 2012-January 2013
    • Maintained, updated, and refactored a Ruby on Rails application with a MySQL database
    • Administered 25+ virtual servers distributed across the enterprise
    • Expanded the project’s utilization of Redis as a caching and queuing tool to enhance application performance
  • Project A Software Engineer September 2010-February 2012
    • Developed Ruby on Rails application for displaying, correlating, and searching analytics data using JRuby, Ruby on Rails, and Oracle
    • Developed and designed QRC capabilities using Ruby on Rails, JQuery, and Backbone.js
    • Developed and designed processes for ingesting and tracking ingested data through its full lifecycle

Software Development Intern at Right Reason Technologies January 2010 - June 2010

Research Assistant at East Stroudsburg University June 2009 - May 2010

Founder at Startup March 2009 - July 2009

Web Developer at Wireless Solutions International September 2007 - January 2009


Languages Technologies Other
Ruby Ruby on Rails Git
Javascript React Linux
Java Bootstrap MySQL
Clojure HTML/CSS PostgreSQL
Elixir AWS Redis
PlantUML Docker Vim


B.S. Computer Science and Computer Security from East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania 2007-2010